Title: | The Winning Hand: Mastering Techniques for Professionals in Problem Gambling and Addiction Support
Dates: | 27 September 2024, Friday (Registration closing date: 23 August 2024)
28 March 2025, Friday (Registration closing date: 28 February 2025)
Time: | 9am to 5pm
Venue: | NAMS Clinic, Meeting Room 1-3 (We are located at the Institute of Mental Health, 10 Buangkok View, Basement 1, Singapore 539747) Click here to view the map. |
Course Fee: (Including 9% GST) | Healthcare Institution and NAMS Partner: $207.10 per participant Others/ Private Institution: $250.70 per participant Two tea breaks per day will be provided. Lunch will not be provided and participants can make their way to the canteen or nearby food courts/coffee shops
Trainer: | Ms Bhavinagayatri Thinnagaran, Senior Counsellor & Ms Habibah Bte Abdul Karim, Senior Counsellor
Synopsis: | This training is designed to equip professionals with the essential knowledge and skills required to effectively address problem gambling and addiction. With a focus on fostering a supportive and effective professional community, this training aims to empower participants to become masterful in their approach to supporting individuals struggling with gambling addiction.
Learning Objectives: - Develop a comprehensive understanding of problem gambling and addiction, including its causes, consequences, and treatment options.
- Enhance communication skills and empathy when interacting with individuals struggling with gambling addiction.
- Acquire practical intervention techniques and strategies to effectively support individuals in overcoming problem gambling.
- Foster a supportive and collaborative professional community to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in problem gambling and addiction support.
By combining interactive lectures, role-playing exercises, group discussions and case studies, this training program provides a comprehensive and practical approach to problem gambling and addiction support.
Suitable For:
| Professionals working in fields such as counselling, psychology, social work, addiction treatment, mental health services, community support organisations and other individuals involved in supporting individuals with gambling addiction.
Applicants to register your interest to nams_arc@imh.com.sg.
NAMS Training Registration Form - For Company.xlsx
NAMS Training Registration Form - For Individual.xlsx